Brian Hooper, M.Div., Psy.D.

Soul & Psyche

Licensed Psychotherapist, LCPT #54

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Executive Sobriety Therapy

When you are ready to take full responsibility for your life and actions, address and heal old wounds which have been "medicated" by your addiction, examine and develop a new relationship with yourself, and move into a deeper authenticity, call me. I want to help you go through the process of healing and stop trying to go around it.

- Dr. Brian Hooper

Dr. Brian Hooper
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Answer To A Dilemma

As a high-level executive, entrepreneur, or leader in business you may not be able to step away from your enterprise without everything being lost. But if you don't address your addiction, you will lose everything. Individualized Sobriety Therapy may be the ideal answer for you.

Answer To A Dilemma

Silver Lining

Silver Lining

The pressures of life are not going away. One advantage of being in individual therapy while remaining on top of your business is that we can use the challenges of business and the thoughts/emotions that they raise as opportunities to gain insight, make real-life changes, challenge thinking patterns, and practice self-soothing while in the real world without turning to a substance or addictive behavior. Further, the sense of accomplishment that comes with taking care of business will advance your reputation with yourself, and that is at the core of self-esteem.

Personalized Approach

The focus of our work together will not be on your relationship with your addiction, but on your relationship with yourself. As you move toward a healthy relationship with yourself, you will move away from addiction

Personalized Approach

Gain Not Loss

Gain Not Loss

It is crucial that you express a willingness to experience therapy as an opportunity for insight into your personal relationship to all of life. We are working for you to "recover" (gain back) a relationship with your truest and most authentic self. This program is only for those determined to dig deep. The ultimate goal is for you to think of yourself as addiction free and continue to choose actions that support this perspective.

Meeting Schedule

Our initial meeting will be an hour and fifty minutes to review intake forms and then review the specifics of the personalized sobriety therapy approach. Three times a week we will meet for a fifty-minute psychotherapy session. An additional fourth session is included and may be used for a joint meeting with a spouse, family member, business associate, or as a fourth individual psychotherapy session. In person meetings are preferable, but occasional video meetings will be utilized when face to face meetings are not possible.

Meeting Schedule

Exclusive & Limited Practice

Exclusive and Limited Practice

I only work with two executives in this specialization of my practice at any time. Although there is a general scope and sequence to this program, it is truly bespoke, tailored to you. The intensity of the work means that I am giving consideration to your progress and growth even when we are not in session.

Methods Used

  • Education re: Psychology of Sobriety
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Insight/Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Principle & Practices of Spirtuality
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
Methods Used